Select To Get Started:
CLICK HERE to create an account and/or log in to an existing account!

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General Information

Welcome to the Chatham County Partnership For Children Online Application system for NC Pre-K Applications!

The information reported in this packet will become part of your child's preschool record. Student record information will not be released to third parties or used for purposes other than routine daily and/or emergency contact needs without the knowledge or permission of parents, or legal guardians, except in accordance with the law.

Only a parent or legal guardian may apply for Chatham County Partnership For Children Pre-K Programs. Proof of Guardianship can include a birth certificate, divorce papers, Social Services paperwork, or paperwork signed by a judge awarding custody.

Remember to inform school staff of any special needs your student may have (IEP, special health care needs, etc.)


All requests will be checked for accuracy. Any falsification of information may result in your request not being processed.  

*Please also note that this website is optimized for IE 10.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox. 

Chatham County Partnership For Children

Available for 2025-2026

2025-2026 NC Pre-K Application (January 2, 2025 - May 30, 2026)

Important For children born between 9/1/2020 - 8/31/2021

Information for Pre-K Applications:

Who is eligible for NC Pre-K?

Children who will be four years old on or before August 31, 2025.

At-risk is the first priority for enrolling children. At-risk is defined as family income at or below 75% of the State Median Income, children experiencing homelessness, in foster care, receiving refugee services, and/or receiving assistance from the following programs*:

  • WIC
  • Public Housing
  • TANF/Work First
  • Medicaid
  • SSI
  • Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps)
  • SNAP

*for family sizes of 8 or less

At-Risk children are given highest priority and served first. Other eligible children can be enrolled after all at-risk children have been enrolled.

Eligible children are children with Limited English Proficiency, those with a Chronic Health Condition, children who demonstrate development or educational need based on the results of an approved assessment tool, or children who have a parent who is on active military duty or has been seriously injured while on active duty military in the recent past.

Before you begin the application process...
We recommend that you have all the required information and documentation prepared BEFORE you begin the application process. Once you have the documentation needed to apply, it is easiest to complete the online application using a computer or your smartphone.

What documents will we need to submit with the application?

    1. Required Documentation:

      1. Proof of Birth (copy of birth certificate OR medical records OR immunization records)

      2. Proof of Residency (copy of current utility bill OR rental agreement)

      a. Documentation must have the same physical address listed on the application.

      3. Eligibility Doucmention: documenation of ONE of the following:

      a. homelessness 

      b. foster care placement 

      c. receiving refugee services 

      d. WIC 

      e. Public Housing 

      f. TANF/Work First 

      g. Medicaid 

      h. SSI 

      i. Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps) 

      j. SNAP


      3. Proof of Income(copy of 2024 1040/1040 EZ OR 2024 W-2 OR one month of current, consecutive paystubs)

      Additional income, if applicable, such as child support, unemployment benefits, workers' compensation, and/or SSA/SSI/SSDI.

      4. If Applicable – Documentation of guardianship/custody, chronic health condition, parent’s military service, development or educational needs, and/or Individualized Education Plan (IEP). 

What additional documents are required before attendance?

  1. Immunization Records (required within 30 days)
  2. Health Assessment (required within 30 days)
  3. TB Test (required for Telamon Head Start)
  4. Certified Birth Certificate (required for Title I/Chatham County Schools)

How much does NC Pre-K cost?
There is no charge for any of our sites.
NC Pre-K is funded by the Division of Child Development and Early Education.

Do sites provide transportation?
Transportation is not provided for most sites. Please visit our website to view all site information:

When will I hear about acceptance into the NC Pre-K Program?

Applications are accepted beginning in January of each year and continue to be accepted throughout the entire school year. We will review and approve applications on a rolling basis as soon as they are complete. When you have received acceptance from us into the Chatham County NC Pre-K program, that means that your child will be offered a seat in a classroom in Chatham County. You will also need to complete any required enrollment paperwork for the classroom of your choice. 

Your child will not be added to the class roster or be able to start school until you have completed both our application and the required site enrollment paperwork!

Once eligibility has been determined, enrollment and assignment of children to sites will be based on a first come, first served basis within the group of children who have applied to each site.

Applications from outside of Chatham County will be considered for enrollment up to 3% of the total slots. 

Who do I contact about site enrollment?

  • Chatham County Schools 
  • Telamon Head Start
    • (919)742-5316 ext. 3
  • Children First Learning Center
    • (919)742-5680
  • Sonflower Seeds Pre-K and Learning Center
    • (919)742-3939

For More Information, Contact:

Chatham County Partnership For Children

P.O. Box 637
220 Chatham Business Drive
Pittsboro, NC 27312

Phone: (919) 542-7449 ext. 2
Fax: (919) 542-0238

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 5 PM